Young People

Our approach to supporting children and young people puts their needs at the heart of everything we do. Our work with young people is guided by the values of acceptance, growth, enjoyment, creativity, and being committed to serving some of the most vulnerable young people in Sheffield.

We currently work with extremely disaffected BME young people who have become disengaged from school, repeatedly excluded, and have become involved in anti-social behaviour in the North East area of Sheffield.. We offer specific packages of educational and pastoral activities designed to boost a young person’s self-esteem, self-efficacy and develop and improve young people’s social and pro-social skills. We provide targeted preventive support through 1:1 advocacy support, in particular looking to identify issues from the young persons point of view and engage the whole family in resolving issues that may be affecting them. We regularly review our packages to ensure they are tailored to the needs of the young people attending.

Referral is via local schools, agencies, or self-referral.